Thursday, October 14, 2010

Opposite attraction

Boy + Girl
Man + Woman

God created Adam first & Eve later as his partner. This is well-known to everyone.

In a r/s often one to be the 'man', decisive, strong, family oriental, thoughtful & lead the family. In short, Director.

While the other one would be the 'woman', soft, gentle, loving, home driven (not housework, coz category vary), home-maker aka tai-tai mindset, thoughtful & always the husband & family comes first. [as if she has a choice.;)]

I have dual character or split character. I want to be woman but afraid I will loose the man-ness power in me. I want to be a man but somehow I still love being pampered. Fan right? Hmmph!

Last nite the copywriter SMS me about some changes. Happen my phone ring in front of you & I just told you something simple - changes done. But you were very pissed, say what changes la..!!

I wonder what happen & you got to raise up your voice. Normal day when I told u things like this you wouldn't ask so details unless I too ji dong to bitch about it. I wonder what happen. Am sure you wld tell me say I say half & stop.

But I was reading it & how to explain to you so fast?

Or you suspect me? Again?

You told me stop being paranoid. Ya..I thought you would have call me that like last year.

Now my private diary - notes gone. No where for me to bitch & say what upsets me. I suddenly lost.

If I am paranoid, you will be ignorant. Remember you said opposite attraction?

You ask me to make you at ease but now you are turning the other way to repeat. Just like the CEL property text: Relax. Chill. Repeat. But ours is:
Worry. Kan Cheong. Repeat.

Anyway, I was thinking about what you said. We together so long but never say much money. Good! It slapped me hard when you say that. Your ex company never pay you & we suffer badly. How to save?

Oh well, next year resolution- save bloody hell hard hard!

No try. No see. No ok. No delay.

Then I wld say.....


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