Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sorry, I am closed.

Private and Confidential.
*This is for my own viewing pleasure only.*

Blogging may means something else to certain people, age group, generation.
Blogging to me is something where I can release my tension and share my feelings with words.

Sorry. I am closed today. I just want to talk to myself.

I was feeling depressed yesterday. Not sure if that's because of the morning accident, not sure if too much meeting too much work, not sure what and why. But until night... my depression went stronger.

His mom asked me to check air ticket. She wants to get an air ticket for her maid to go back home. Her permit expired end of May. Think about it, time flies. 2 years long since we first met, talking to each other in the kitchen. Got scolded because we talk too much. Got angry because she didn't do a good job. Lots.

But when I use his com to check air ticket, I saw something which I am not supposed to see. I noticed this quite sometimes ago. I know he has been watching 'it'. from friends or social surfing basically no difference. All I care is, if this is healthy.

Anyway, ignore me coz I know I can't change anything. I know I will have to bear all consequences once I publish this out. I will!.

I think those who know me well, would know I dislike this against this. And this is irrespective to a girl friend or partner. Well, everyone has right to deny or hide their faulty. No doubt you can do that. But it brings you no where.

I just want to pick up quickly drop it off quickly. This has been disgusted me plenty. I hate people who do that. I need a boost in my low self esteem but not being step down again and more. I am sorry for being stupid coz he might think I beat around the bush which I am not. Please understand this. This is not the first time that I do confrontation but I think this is the last time. I maybe selfish but I hope to love myself more by making myself feel better. No human share the same interest and view. I respect you and hope you do so, coz you have a choice in life.
