If today is a disaster; tomorrow is a gift.
If yesterday was a history; future is mystery.
Today day as usual, same shit different day. Time to take bus home. As I was waiting for bus.. (FYI, I bathed before I go out.)
My back & arse suddenly was so itchy. Wonder which mosqitoes kiss my butt & poke my back.. $&@#%>€£!!!
I was scratching my arse while waiting in a queue for bus. *scratch scratch scratch* I didn't know there were poeple behind me. I was happily scratching my arse & back..
As I turn my head to check the queue, a young poly boy was sitting on the railing staring at me & grin.
*red face*
I turned my head back to the front, oh! Bus is here. Hooray!!
I quickly ran to the bus & find a seat & hide my face.
Life is full of excitement. *phew*