How did you celebrate your Merdeka Day? This is our most memorable 50th Anni as well as our first ever so called family trip. (Spot the missing ones)
We went..... TAH DAH!!!!!.....
FRASER's HILL... the most horrible terrible vegetable place in Malaysia.... (most vomiting place!)
Fraser's hill! Afterall map and places to do... (hoo..boring nyeeeeeee...:P)
The one & only town.... cool? i guess sooo.... -_-'
YEA!!! Here we are! Before knowing how boring is this place...
Our First nite..Everyone is so tired after twist and turn.. the stupid snake road makes us so sick...
Everyone has their own expression.. how sick they are...
how boring they are...and..............
What a nite ....
Second nite....
before (junks and drinks... hyek hyek! how to finish? let see...
Fellow mates.....Time to clear junks......
the first junk to clear is.... Wang Wang biscut....2 pieces X 2 packs.....
Uh Huh! Who is the next to drink this???
Looks! who is talking there..... >_<
Who kena??? Of coz ME la..... too bad.... yuks! yuks! yuks!!!
After: the left over on the plate... Asam..
Outing.... bye bye Fraser's Hill...
I will not be back again.... >_<
Our Water Fall group pic... opps... adding few memebers in.. guess who they are....
Cheers! Cheers! Cheers!!!!