Saturday, December 12, 2009

Here we are!! Daddy!! Can you spot us??

This is awesome!!! Mama did it!

Look! MCC is still dreaming! Girapoo acts guai... Bear bear still the same, kena bully all the time. Sirotan looks older. Coz he has to take care of everyone when mama not around. Duckie the big kid behind. LPP, loving still. Look! She is holding MCC's hand even he is still zzzz....

We are a one big flat family!!

smooooooch... from all of us.

Friday, December 11, 2009

New Year Resolution 2010
part 2

The past:
1- Pick up the unhappy things and learn it thru
2- Dont look backwards, future is more crucial
3- Change the world. Make it your way

1- Rich Tai-Tai ( I still want to marry you and the bunch of kids still miss you)
2- Stable career
3- Settle down have our own house

For Nic fom Nic:
1- Build up confident in r/s
2- Dont be stuborn
3- Know the priority
4- Be supportive and encouraging
5- Be straight forward and never be ashame to share

For Gab from Nic:
1- Be more open
2- Dont give up easily
3- Quit bad habit (smoke and timing)
4- Be more responsible for future bulding
5- Do not roar and be more gentle

A passionate person fueled by love is a force that no one can defeat. If you do still passinate over this r/s, please follw the instruction below:

A) NO, Let's get our own life.
Please close the window. Thank you for your visit and Have a great 2010 ahead.

B) Yes, I have hope & show me something.
Please scroll down and see what you would expect to receive from me.

"Simple let you 'Yes' be 'Yes', and your 'No' be 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the eveil one"

Part 1: Expectation - Seeing is believing
1- Low confident
I love to tell the whole world about you and me. Coz im proud to have you! I care about your existence. People love to see us bloom.
Solution: Action speaks louder. Let me show you how it works. Yes? Yes? Secret ingredient!

2- Careless personality
I have short term memory. But this time I will make sure I will change.
Solution: Constant reminder and practise make my memory bigger & stronger. Action speaks louder. I will act fast, so you wont clap with one hand.

3- King Size VS Our own space
I know I neglected your feeling. I am sorry. Mama understands how i feel coz we talk thru it. U are the true love.
Solution: I wont force you to go family trip (king size space). But I do hope you will try to attend family event with me. Respect them and I hope you can be part of the family close to them. Let them know I can rely on you. I will stand by you, my king. Family outing i make sure we will have our own space. Not outsider allowed! *Who lets the dog out! woof woof*

4- Connection with truth - Respect your privacy
I know you need your own space to breath. Let me build up your confident again and I hope by then you will give more in return. When timing is good, things fall in place by itself.
Solution: You will have your freedom. Please inform me your plan so I wont disturb you. I will get somethg to do. But make sure you are safe.

5- Money and Career
I know you have unstable career for now and you hope to build that up and the fulfillment is what you are looking for. Go ahead! I back you up! But no more relying on your parent. I dislike that feeling. You have me!! Encourage one another and build each other up.
Solution: I will work hard and save money. Incase you need money and we can still afford to have good meal sometimes. We work together! I will get more freelance to get more money. But I will make sure I rest enough and eat well.

6- Worries & Tension
I know you constanly worry about me. I felt that way too. I know how you feel now and it is just restless and too much too handle.
Solution: I will not do anything that cause you uneasy. I will make sure I balance everytning out and make sure you know my plan before even proceeding them. This is mutual respect and make sure everything is safe. As you know my parent worry about me being alone here and dont know how to take care of myself.

7- Support and courage
No more emo or dull mood. If you want to do, I will back you up and support you all the way. Respect you as a man and know you can take care of everything.
Solution: No matter good or bad outcome, no regret no complain. Take everything in life a learning path. Being supportive and encouraging will make you feel least presure.

8- Last but not least - Principle
Our hearts are to be open to each other. How do I want you to treat me, in return, I must do it first!
Solution: My friends. I make sure you know all of them. (part of the confidence building). They do have names and yes and I will tell you who they are. I will treat you well, coz i need someone to treat me well too. I will not be ashame to tell you things, how much I love you, if i jealous, if i feel uneasy and be more open for ideas.

Unchecked: Disconnection, defensiveness, control, immaturity, and selfishness. they have the power to infect an entire r/s, they can harm or even end a connection.

What I want and need:
1- Respond -Confrontation serves as a wake up call. if you dont respond and take action, we can only stay in sms. I feel cold. If you are not ready or I would love to hear from you about what you wish to have from me. I sincerely love to know that. It will serves as part of motivation.
2- Support - really need your support in moving forward. Hope we can go a level up and physical and mentally support is crucial to me.
3- Courage - in order for me to bring you more confidence, I need courage. I still feel weak and without your acknowledgement, i have no direction and i do not know what you are thinking. I am lost! Totally helpless.
4- Assurance - I hope after everything you will not be hesitate to give. I would love and appreciate that.
5- Understanding - I have my fear in this r/s. but I hope you will give and continue to be supportive. Need your constant understanding to help to build a better me and our future together. I will heal my wound until yours are healed and settled.

"Give until it hurts, coz real love hurts"

What if i failed to delivery again?
1- I will give up whatever in Singapore and leave after next year.
2- You can have all the kids with you. So that I wont malu each one of you.
part 1

2009 review:
From Nic to Gab.
For her:
1- Be more caring & loving

For him:
1- No more lighters. Quit smoking totally
Penalty: No baby with you
2- No more poker till late. Latest 12:30am must reach home sleep unless next day is holiday.
Penalty: If not ontime or never keep promise, then no more playing poker.
3- No more shouting or raise up voice. Be more patient and gentle
Penalty: Silence treatment for awhile
4- No more sleeping late. Latest 11pm must be on bed. Then next day get up and take bus to work.
Penalty: Cab fare double charge or worse I will move out.
* Any situation worst than the above, please bear all circumstances and cause incurred by yourself. Dont blame others.

Happy Things or Things I/You have learned:
1- Love is being stupid together. We had lots of fun having good food and exploring new places.
2- How to love. Love is something abstract. Love is gentle. Pampering is sweet.
3- How to be more patient and more gentle
4- How to share and not to be ashame of sharing
5- What is priority
6- Stand by the person whom you love no matter what. Deal with it behind the scene.

Sad Things or Things I hate to remember:
1- My uncle passed away! :'( that's hurt!
2- When you say you give up on me.
3- When you do/say nothing at all. I dont feel loved.
4- Travel alone.
5- Helpless and not supportive.

Things to be changed & improved:
1- How to share and confront yet without anger or hate
2- Never beat around the bush, straight to the point
3- Stand by you and be more caring
4- Remember my weaknesses and promote change
5- Be more loving and lovely (that's my name!)
*cheers* *claps* *whistles*

Let's celebrate!! Woohoo!!!

MCC: What? Where? When?

LPP: Is daddy back? hmmm.. *rubbing eyes* I didnt see him for awhile.

Sirotan: He is away now, mummy says. *miserable*

Girapoo: *jumps out from blanket* HUH? HUH? away? then will he buy us presents?

Bear Bear: *claps* I love presents and surprise!! Xmas is near too. Yes!!

Duckie: *Green eye* That's why MCC has that stupid thin tiny candy cane.. *stare*

Sirotan: So how? It's daddy's big day!!!!! woohoo!!! Where to? *rolling around the bed* Let's celebrate!!!

MCC: At home, ask daddy to cook.. *giggle*

LPP: I want swensens!!! *wink*

Duckie: I want mashed potato! Same color as my skin tone and as soft as me.. I don't mind to sit in the orange bag again. *rock* blairrrr...

Girapoo: I want to go east coast!! BBQ!!! Prawning! Fishing!!! I want to go out!!! *stomping legs*

Bear bear: *sigh* You forever! I want Paddington Pancake! I saw the pictures from mummy. I want pots of gold with ice-cream! *slurp*

LPP: I want to go Bangkok! I miss having big bed with mummy and daddy!! *sad* and other duckies in the bath tub too....

Sirotan: We already have something for daddy. But not sure if daddy will keep it. *frown* He don't want us anymore. *sobs*

Mummy: Hey babies! Daddy still misses you all! & badly! Let's take pictures and show to him okay? *hugs* Erm.... *pondering* Why not we go visit daddy tomoro? *wink wink*

Babies in group: *make noise* Woohoo!!!! yea! I want! I want! I want! *Girapoo pushes Bear bear & jump on Sirotan's head*

Girapoo: Can I stay with daddy? I miss sitting on his face and fart! *laugh out loud* muahahaha! then he will swing me up high in the air! *shiver* so scary!

Bear bear: *sad* Me too! I miss his pokie face!

Sirotan: Let's visit him! but are we too big to squeeze in the bag? too heavy to carry? Mummy, can we?

Mummy: What about you all stay over for awhile? Spend sometimes will daddy? Daddy needs you all around to support him and comfort him. *sobs* Let me ask daddy and bring you all over tomoro okay? Then you all keep him accompany awhile. & remember to bring the gift over.

Mummy: *Text* Hi! Special invitation: We would like to hang over @ your place for awhile. We promise not to mess up the place but to stay beside you and stay with you. We wanna celebrate your birthday with you coz we care and we would love to. Can we? from a bunch of rebellious kids.

Mummy: Alrite. We will wait for daddy's reply. Let see if he welcomes you all.. *laugh*. Let's go pack and get ready the gift. Tonite all of you gonna go on diet else wont be able to fit in the bag. *grin* then I can have all the snacks! woohoo!!

A note to daddy:

Girapoo: Yeah! dadddddy... I am coming! Gonna sit on your face and fart on your head! *grin* Bring me car ride? Swing me high? Comb my fur? Bring me buffet?

Bear Bear: I wanna hide under your face and sleep with you again, but make sure you don't drool on my body... *cover both eyes* no eye see.

Duckie: I want you to lie on me and rock! yea! Touch my soft fur and comb my fur again...*love* Bring me out with your orange bag again can?

MCC: Yiii!!! Then my candy cane how?? Later daddy sure hide it somewhere or anyhow hang on my neck or my tie... *:(* Bad daddy! *stomping feet*

LPP: Clean me up! I am grey now.. But don't keep slapping my face, it hurts. *Ouch* Bring me Bangkok again?

Sirotan: I miss you daddy! But don't press on me! *LAUGH* Mummy says I am going to have new clothes. Should I hang it on the christmas tree first and open it in boxing day? And are we going to decorate the christmas tree together and have it in the room?

Mummy: Happy Birthday to you! Thanks for having them in our life. I treasure them and I hope you will take care of them for few days. Arg! they are too noisy! they nag me more than I do now. I miss having you by my side and I am sorry for disappointing you. Alrite. Don't spoil the mood. Do let me know if you can keep them for few days. Have a happy big day!!! woohoo! *cheers*. Love you always!