A day trip to Ikea.
A day to get stomach cramp.
A day to get eyes wet.
muahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... *hiccups*
A great day to laugh.
A fresh morning filled with laugher.
Opps..i didn't do it with purpose, open the door while your sarong almost drop.
A wet noon with giggles noise.
Opps..v went to Ikea again. And you want to buy chair. I try to forget the scene you sat on
It's the chair too soft.
A funny evening to end.
Opps..I didn't mean to say you look like a dead fish. I know you sneezed badly and was trying to breath with your blocked nose. I shouldn't have say you look like a fish out of water.
hahahahahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *red face*