This is the 200 post. I have just created a new history. *Cheers*
The history that will make me remember.
The history that make my blog no difference.
*History run through session.
The past 199 posts are well archived.
Flipping through the old pages make me feel happy. *Smile*
Feeling how silly they are, feeling how weird the writing, feeling how cheeky they can be,
feeling how 'mature' and 'fun' I was last time.
I wish I could pause the time and laugh at those old photos. *Laugh*
Oh well, history is meant to be kept under 'memory' folder.
Those who has seen my blog would comment I am happy and fun.
Some love to see my sign-off. I create new different lovely identity according to my blog content.
Should I stay as it is?
Should I be the same old 'Happy-go-lucky' girl?
Or I should be a tough independent 'stubborn and decisive' fierce woman?
carefree: cheerfully irresponsible; untroubled
So I can leave behind all the unsolved problem and keep walking or laugh it off. Well, 2 of them have commented my 'happy-go-lucky' attitude caused me 'take-it-easy' issue. I intend to sit on/ignore the problem when I'm unable to solve and think time will blend or solve the matter by itself. Soon or later, it might become a 'take-it-for-granted' attitude. or another word - ignorance.or I should be
Stubborn and decisive:
- tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield, refusing to move or change one's opinion; obstinate
- characterized by decision and firmness, determining
I know what I want and I just want to get it done my way to make me feel good or at ease.This might give people headache for no turning point or tolerance. Hard time and argument might occur. coz not all man can tolerate my stubbornness.
So how?
Or do I have third option?
Please suggest.
So that I can grow up and be more mature in dealing with matters.
As well, how to live with others such as you.
Whatever has gone by, all past. History!
No one is perfect in this world and what we after is happiness among ourselves.
Whatever happened in the past, none of us can change.
Live with it and move on is the common thing.
I am not angry about the 'history'. I am looking at solution and improvement.
If you are looking at now and future, we got to do something to kill the past.
Don't repeat, don't say, don't mention those are ignorance.

Oh my dear king, thou shall advice me what I should do.
Speak to me my lord, your servant is ready.
Lead me and I shall please you.Oh my king.