One Hand Slap
Two Hand Clap
I am tired and exhauted. I need a life.
I don't really have working mood so far. The moment I step into the first day of 2010,
I have decided to settle my life down.
I don't force you to think alike. I won't ask you to do what I like. Like I say, no one will do things to please me. None force to do chores and your freedom is yours and no one can grab them away from you.
Money is important. But happiness is more crucial.
Money can't buy everything. But without money is hard to survive.
U just got to know what is your limitation.
I think with my salary, I can still manage.
I chose to have a better life, I spend less if I have tight pocket.
I chose to have happiness, I enjoy the companionship. As long as we are together, no matter what we do, where we are, we will be happy. Because we are together sharing laughter.
Don't Matter.
It is not about the place or people around you, but the partner of yours brings you laughter.
Therefore, I have only one wish for this year. Family. Raj and Maddie is a big sample to me. They dont earn extremely lot but they are happy. They owe more than what we both have. I am sure we can do better than them. Just the matter of compromising.
Since we are not thinking alike, life still goes on. As long as you are happy, then I will be happy too. *grin*
Tomoro i want to go check out the poloriad camera. I always wanted to get one. I think it is time to go for it before CNY. So I can start another album soon! *Yeah!*
Since you dont want to take pic with me, show pic will let ppl know about us...Then I do something else. I dont like the now us. Do I have a choice than accepting it and jst like that?
Life is aint fair after all. No one is going to what I like.
We flirt to have a better day.
Dont Matter.