3rd Jan till 6th Jan
By Thai Airway from Changi Singapore.
Reported by: Nicole Richie

Changi Airport : 3rd Jan 3pm
宝贝& 宝宝 in Thai Airway boeing 747
Getting ready for movies or games!!!! Hooray!!!

Thai Currychicken rice with mango pudding (dont ever take the mince meet..yukky~suan suan one)

Not ALL Ang Mo kids well-educated. They throw bread and rubbishs everywhere they like!!Their culture!!

Thailand cloud is different. Seems fresher and softer. :p
Same goes to Thai girl and Thai guy????? *blink blink*
Amari Watergate 5 ***** with super big and hard bed. Dont ever run and jump onto the bed. If you do not wish to have 'ang mo lou' wear extra turban..haha..
Locals~ yum~
Extra care taker for you. Anytime anywhere u like. Nurse? Fireman? Or police costume?